Benefits of buying freezer beef

Having a freezer full of beef is a great option for the following reasons:

  1. You will be getting hamburger, steak and roasts from your side of beef that is the same cost as store bought hamburger. A tremdous value from buying in bulk.
  2. Buying local farm fresh beef means you know where your food is coming from and you can always expect high quality.
  3. The convience of having beef readily available from your freezer is a great benefit for a busy household
  4. Buying beef locally means you are directly supporting your local economy. Instead of the grocery chain and meat packing plant getting your food dollars, your local economy recieves it directly and supports a number of jobs. (Farmers, truckers, feed salesmen, farm equipment salesmen, veterinarians, bankers, accountants, local butcher shops, etc.) These jobs are vital to keeping our small towns vibrant.